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Apple Unveils New iTunes Software

ItunesAccording the the SF Examiner,  Apple "…is working on a new update of its popular iTunes music software that will accommodate podcasts, Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs said Sunday night."

"The new version of iTunes will let users of Apple’s music management program and integrated online music store find and download podcasts, which are homemade radio-style shows that have become a grassroots phenomenon on the Internet."

"…Jobs gave a preview of the software at D: All Things Digital, an annual technology conference sponsored by the Wall Street Journal. He later said the new version of iTunes won’t be released for a "few months.”

"…Many podcast subscribers already use the iTunes software along with a third-party program to find, download and transfer the shows to their music players. But Apple is designing iTunes to handle all of those functions."

"In addition, Jobs said Apple plans to add a special podcast section to the iTunes Music Store that highlights hot or interesting podcasts in the same way the service already does for songs, music videos, audio books and movie trailers."

"Jobs noted in his presentation that there were already about 8,000 free podcasts available on the Internet, and that Apple plans to create a way for podcasters to submit their work for inclusion on the iTunes Music Store…"

Read the full article here.

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