Music Marketing

Remember The Jukebox?

When thinking about music promotion the good old fashioned jukebox seldom comes to mind.  But  Touchtunesthe jukebox in new digital forms that allow for much larger song selections – and thus more room for  new music – is making a comeback. 

Jukebox manufacturer TouchTunes recently announced that it has delivered one billion song plays via its system. And while TouchTunes doesn’t sell actual downloads like iTunes (who also just passed the billion track mark) using TouchTunes does represent a paid transaction from a music fan.  The revenue stream to rights holders may be smaller per transaction, but since the "play" happens in a public bar or restaurant the promotional value is multiplied.

PromoonlyNow Promo Only MPE who already distribute music via secure distribution of promotional singles to radio stations is going to do the same for digital jukeboxes. "Music that is digitally sent to a jukebox in this manner ensures that it is able to reach new audiences in a secure and controlled way," said Dean Ernst, director of Promo Only MPE. "The ability to pick and choose what tracks you add to your jukebox means owners can always ensure they have a musical selection that meets the needs of their clientele."

In an era of fragmented listening and media overkill, the jukebox at the neighborhood bar certainly sounds like an effective place to encourage new music discovery.

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