
Blog Chronicles MySpace As “Failure Of Humanity”

MySpace is often touted as the savior of the music industry. But the viewpoint of an amusing and insightful study by the Moneydick blog concludes that MySpace demonstrates a "failure of humanity".

"I’m not debating whether Myspace offers a good system or service, I’m only lamenting the place it has become thanks to its user base. There are good and bad uses for social networking websites. Most are useless and waste more time without contributing to the social good. Myspace is the worst."

Myspacecrap Music on MySpace:

"With 1.4 million bands hosted for free, MySpace has by nature of its massive youth saturation made itself a venerable resource for musicians. A heaping mound of steaming dung becomes a whole different animal if it also links people with artists in a democratic medium. Thankfully, many bands have a user-oriented sense of style when designing their page that does not afflict their fans with a rare form of mental stigmata due to illegible flashing abortions."

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  1. OMG! What a cranky old codger! LOL :=0
    Daniel Morgan’s comments about MySpace users’ design concept (or lack thereof) reminds me of why I had to reluctantly cancel my Wired subscription. Damned migraines!
    Seriously though – if the article is serious – hating MySpace for the reasons offered is akin to hating ostriches because they don’t fly. MySpace may look like a lot of things, but ultimately MySpace is MySpace. Not only that, it is a little baby MySpace, still wet from the womb.
    As with an infant, there is a lot of noise, stink and mess. But it will grow up, and what it grows up to be remains to be seen. As “adults” we can help shape it. Sure, MySpace needs to police (I’d say “better police” but that would imply that they do any policing right now) the posting of personal information by underage kids. It would be great if they bore at least the same responsibility for advertising that Saturday morning networks have. I would bet that as MySpace matures it will improve or die. Pretty bold bet!
    In the meantime, despite predators, hucksters, poor spelling, worse grammar and all the rest, MySpace is getting a lot of kids “together” and active online and much of the activity involves music.
    Hmmm… our target demographic, active and involved with our product. And your problem is what?
    Listen to this track on a MySpace page for a nervous chuckle about the whole online predator thing…

  2. We all gonna die, civilization will collapse.
    (Actually, if you ask me, somebody will soon make mysapce ver 2.0. Current myspace is ugly, annoying, doesn’t have all the feature I want, etc… and it’s owned by Foxnews. we know how fast those media titan moves when it comes to updating technology)

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