
New Music Industry Briefing For Tuesday May 23, 2006

Sonybmg_29A NYC judge has settled the rootkit copy-protection lawsuits against Sony BMG offering free downloads to millions. (AP)

EMI today reported that full-year net profit rose 14% with market share gains in most regions including the U.S. and said it is still interested in buying out rival Warner Music.  Coldplay and Gorillaz helped drive sales. (MarketWatch)

3– Figures released by UK cell phone network 3 show the growing impact of mobile  on the music industry with the company reporting the sale of 1 million songs and music videos during April alone. (Digital Music Weblog)

– Verizon to sell new Motorola cell MotoQ designed to give Blackberry users the business functionality they need plus the music and video they crave in a sleek Windows format. (Tech Web)

– A look at the various iPod killer wanna-be’s being released in the coming months. (MP3Newswire)

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