
New Music Business Briefing: New iPod, iPhone Hacked, How Old School Rules Still Apply & More

>>> Just so you make sure that you didn’t miss anything life changing, there’s Hypebot’s New Music Business Week In Review. Applelogo

>>> At lease one new model of iPod will be released on September 5. (Wired)

>>> A NJ teen has hacked the iPhone making it usable on other phone networks. He’s also posted the hack on his blog Jtag.

>>> An overview of MTV/Real, WalMart.com and Yahoo!’s efforts to compete with iTunes. (Reuters)

>>> New Music Strategy’s Andrew Dubber begins a series on how some of the old industry rules still apply in the digital music age. (NMS) Rule 1: More Distribution Is Better Than Less Distribution

>>> Sony has developed an environmentally friendly battery that runs on sugar. (TechWeb)

>>> A delegation of California lawmakers met with the RIAA and representatives of the movie industry last week and are proposing new ways to strengthen anti-piracy efforts. (press release)

>>> Net, Blogs & Rock "n Roll takes an in depth look at online fan communities: "Fans As Creators" (NBRR)


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  1. “>>> A delegation of California lawmakers met with the RIAA and representatives of the movie industry last week and are proposing new ways to strengthen


    I’m guessing an anti got lost somewhere, uness they figure if you can’ beat ’em join ’em.

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