
RAWRIP Pays 100% Download Royalty

, a new ad-supported music site and distribution service is paying indie artists 100% of royalties earned from downloaded tracks. Fans can stream music free and store songs in personal music libraries.

Beyond the site, artists can also sell their tracks via a ‘Raw Store’ widget that pays 100% from sales on websites, blogs, MySpace, Facebook, etc.
‘The Rippler’  is a proprietary exploration engine that analyzes each
track by a number of characteristics that are indexed and
cross-referenced with RAWRIP’s catalogue of over 1 million songs.
Through this, independent artists get recommended (Rippled) via major
acts and may acquire new fans. This site appears to have real potential for indie artists and
labels who want to spread their tracks virally. I’d
love to hear from anyone using it.

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1 Comment

  1. This looks promising! Its great that they give the musician 100% of the revenue. But, how do they earn money? I’m assuming there are adds that are not used to support the music, but the site itself.
    Obviously, their widget undercuts all the other widgets I can use to sell my music, so I’ll likely start using it. But, I am more interested in ad supported music since people aren’t really buying songs anymore! I write music, and I don’t think it sux that bad, but I have never actually sold a song online:( Maybe the add supported model will help make some loot!

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