
Take Charge Of Your Own Promotion

Never leave promotion to someone else.

Is it realistic to believe that the guy who counts the beer is also going to do the best job of promoting 
your next gig?  Or is the overworked indie label staffer always going to make you their #1 prioriSuper promoty?  You certainly should empower your fans to help, but is there any guaruntee that they'll always do it?

"Do it yourself or it may not get done" has it limitations, but it's absolutley the place to start. Check every aspect of any promotional campaign whether its for a record release or a single gig.  (Fully 25% of the venue web sites I check for our artist's gigs have old or incorrect information and links.)  Encourage and direct the efforts of others, but wherever you see gaps you need to step in quickly and add your own efforts.

Next: Have Your Promo Arsenal Ready

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