Music Marketing

Coldplay Gives Live CD Away: On Exceeding Customer Expectations

,Coldplay Every fan going to a summer date on Coldplay's summer tour, which starts on May 15 in North America, will receive a copy of the 9 track live album LeftRightLeftRightLeft. It will also be available then as a free download on and will contain versions of Coldplay hits like "Clocks", "Viva La Vida" and "Fix You".

Coldplay didn't need to give away a live CD to sell concert tickets. In fact they could have made some real money selling a live set. Instead they are spending some of thier own money giving their hits away free. In doing so, they have exceeded their fans expectations and insured their continued support.

How are you exceeding your fans/customers/stakeholders expectations?

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1 Comment

  1. We recorded our last show using an MBox and a laptop and then sent an e-mail to our mailing list with a “secret” link to mp3s for each song from the entire set. It was our way of thanking all the people who joined our mailing list at the gig, as well as everyone who had signed up earlier for their continued support. We had been trying to do this for the two previous shows, but we had problems with the recordings that made them unusable.

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