
Bandcamp Sneaks In Three New Features

Bandcamp new logo Most new music industry services send a press release when they add an important  new feature, while others send an announcement every time they change the color of their home page.  But Bandcamp – which offers a suite of tools for selling and giving away music online – seems to prefer to slide their improvements in with only a blog mention to mark their arrival.  Maybe its because when you're giving your service away free you don't have time or money for PR, but whatever the reason for their stealth approach, here is the latest trio of Bandcamp upgrades:

1. Soundscan – U.S., Canadian and international sales are now reported every Monday.

2. Bonus Content – PDF booklets, videos, alternate art…if it's digital you can probably now include it in the album’s zip file.

Bandcamp album graphic

3. Metadata is added almost automatically. This feature may not even be that new but appears to have  gotten an upgrade. As they explain it, "As you add information to your site, we
automatically attach that data to the underlying tracks, so that when
your fans download and import them into iTunes or anywhere else, they
come with their title, artist, album, track number, release date, and
artwork intact." They we also included lyrics,
track-level art, higher-res art in general, and support international
characters.  Here's a video of how it works:

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  1. Worth noting that the Bandcamp users are kept slightly more informed, although Ethan will often let new features and innovations pile up so it can be a MAJOR announcement email.
    As a user, I like it, it’s rare that a web service I’ve signed up for will actually improve over time. In most of my experience through several weirdo mini-careers, the opposite is true. Bandcamp was a wise/lucky investment.

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