#Midem: Global Music Consumption Survey
8500 interviews in 13 countries
- 63% are passionate about music
- 14% would listen to music every minute of the day if they could.
- Streaming a favorite delivery method for 21%
- 29% admit to downloading without paying
- 30% bought a CD in the last month
- 11% bought a download within the month
- Video via mobile growing fastest in emerging markets
- 42% went to a concert last year
- 16% bought a concert DVD in last year
- 19% bought t-shirt / merch.
- Many OK with listening to an ad to download (45%) and stream (41%)
More soon on Midem.com
Here’s the challenge.
63% are passionate about music
14% would listen to music every minute of the day if they could.
42% went to A concert last Year
16% bought A concert DVD in last Year
19% bought t-shirt / merch. (according to another source reporting on this presentation, only 11% had bought an artist t-shirt or other clothing.)
So for all of that music consumption, fans have maybe bought something other than recorded music ONCE over the past year. Think of how much music they listen to, and then how little music-related stuff they actually have purchased. So if you lose the money spent on recorded music, you may not make it up elsewhere.
The full report is up and it is 11% for T-shirts and merch purchases.
So on average, of the last year, 11% fans have bought ONE t-shirt and 11% of fans have bought ONE piece of artist merchandise (not including CDs, DVDs. or downloads).
So merch isn’t likely to fill the void for most bands.
And I should stress that even as only 11% bought one piece of merch in the last year, that means 89% bought none.
So it would appear that the core income-generating sources from fans continue to be recorded music and live shows. And show income isn’t all that great because less than half of respondents went to ONE concert last year. The rest didn’t attend any.
Great points Suzanne…thank you for the link.
When I first read this original post, the highest percentage, “42% went to a concert last year” is what stood out for me. Then, I pretty much came to the same conclusion as Suzanne.
After reading the full report, I realized the 42% was a global total and that 58% of Americans went to a concert last year. It was still disappointing to find only 16% of Americans bought t-shirts. I would like to have seen break downs of every country in every category.
I was also surprised at the percentage of those willing to pay for text alerts (70%), queue jumper (67%), and members only website features (67%). I feel a new biz model coming on, lol
Oh yeah, where was Japan, the world’s 2nd largest music market?