
Live365 Updates Site: Quick & Dirty Net Radio

image from www.thegospelhighway.net I always find it interesting when new features and website redesigns happen on a site that I actually use. The update takes place, I notice, and then, moments later, I'm issued a press release and reminded that I write about these things every day.

One such instance is the internet radio site Live365; it makes good office background music when I don't feel like making the effort to do otherwise. What they've done is streamlined the interface, eased access to their radio stations, and made their audio player available from every page in the site.

All of their stations are programmed by people, except they don't talk between songs. This isn't a remarkable internet radio site, but it's quick, now less dirty, and makes for a decent way to hear music when you're bored of other sites.

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  1. Subtle, but good point.  It was maybe something that could've been left out.  Some auto-generated radio stations are no good though.

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