Conventions & Awards

Overheard @ Bandwidth (#BandwidthSF)

  • From Hypebot's eyes and ears at Bandwidth @DannyDee
  • image from Promoted Tweets: (allows company to sponsor a tweet) roll out in the fall & 2011..will be self serve in the future
  • 1 in 4 tweets links to content (70 million a day.)
  • 7Digital powers Spotify's downloads…surprising % of users want to own vs. stream music
  • "Unless you know how to get apps reinstated to the app store, this presentation is off the record." Aaron Ford, Grooveshark
  • @RevelryMedia: News to me: subsidizes their daily bargains. i.e. they pay label $7.99 for an album you pay $3.99
  • @mgrooves "Twitter is where people talk about music, where they hear about it but most importantly…its how they hear it"

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