
Survey: Music Streaming Decreases Filesharing, Increases Music Discovery

image from A survey conducted in Norway this June for Aspiro Music concluded that streaming services lead to more music listening as well as and increased and more diverse music discovery. Of the those surveyed that use streaming music services  68% listen to more music and 72% say they often find music they didn`t know about before.

The survey also concludes that streaming services reduce illegal music file sharing. 54% say that streaming led them not to stop downloading music illegally.

More Survey Results

Interestingly, at least in Norway, men are far more likely to stream music than women.  43% of the men and just 19% of the women have used streaming music services.  Urban users surpassed rural ones 46% to 21%.

Aspiro delivers white label music streaming services and in Norway and Denmark, as well as via its own brand WiMP.  Their survey did not address the degree to which streaming music leads to sales.

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  1. “54% say that streaming led them not to stop downloading music illegally.”
    So streaming led them to download music illegally?

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