
The First iPad Street Musician?

image from cdn.mos.musicradar.com Well, this is a case of ‘it was bound to happen.’ Yet the idea of a street musician playing a sitar on an iPad is still very intriguing. According to Alex Shpil, the publisher of the video, she used the Seline HD app and was also recording the sound using binaural microphones. Does the fact that the girl is playing on a relatively expensive device—a new iPod—change people’s perceptions of how much they’re willing to drop in her ‘instrument’ case? Or, is that irrelevant?

The First iPad Street Musician? from Alex Shpil on Vimeo.

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1 Comment

  1. I actually think an iPad is a relatively cheap device as far as musical instruments go. If you consider orchestral instruments (violin, trumpet, cello, etc), or even an electric guitar or synthesizer, the iPad at $500 is a bargain.

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