Social Media

One Band Gets Official Love From Twitter

image from "In the past, getting close to your favorite musicians required a backstage pass at a crowded venue," begins a breathless new post on Twitter's official blog. "Now you can just follow their Tweets to feel like you're right there with them."  What hot band did Twitter chose to illustrate this amazing music meets Twitter phenomenon?

@Portugaltheman, a band with just 12,600Twitter followers. Just as an example, @50cent has 4,455,000.

Portugal The Man may or may not be great band, but does "selecting two followers each day for the next seven days to win a pair of tickets," really qualify as milestone in social music marketing?

Twitter seems to think so. After all, "If you Tweet about this video and follow their account, you may get lucky!"

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  1. We’ll thats basically the same thousands of bands do everyday at Facebook…. Milestone for social music marketing? Has they been sleeping the last few years?

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