
Mark Mulligan: The Economics Of Free Don’t Add Up, But They Could

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The economics of free music don't add up says highly respected music industry analyst Mark Mulligan in a new Midem blog post, and cloud music services are not helping enough.

But significant revenue is possible, argues Mulligan, if the music industry would:

1. Focus on subsidized, consumption-era products. "Think how small a fraction of the cost of a new cars’ price two years of Spotify Premium would be…" 

2. Build exciting new music products that don’t just repackage the analogue-era

More on the Midem blog.

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  1. I’m lovin this new Digital Industry Social Media level playing field. I say innovate and compensate for that which is new.”Time keeps on ticking into the future” and this is it, so let’s do this. Who am I? The Silver Conductor @ http://www.thesilverconductor.com, Facebook, Youtube & itunes check me out 🙂
    Remember: “Always know who loves you”
    The Silver Conductor

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