
Programmer Finds Facebook’s Secret Music Service: VIBES

image from Just after Facebook's video chat announcement, programmer Jeff Rose was poking around the code behind the new Skype integration when he discovered a piece of code (click on image at left to enlarge) that all but confirms that the social network is working on a new music application called Vibes. Rose says it “connects with a music download dialog in the page,” and reasons that it must be part of a new music service.  My best guest:

Vibes is likely related to the previously leaked Spotify integration with Facebook, which will I'll bet will be announced around the same time that Spotify actually launches in the U.S. Other music services are rumored to be working with Facebook so perhaps Vibes is an aggregation of those as well.  It would make sense: Facebook finally gets into music without having to deal directly with the music industry.

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  1. The title of this post should be changed to “Can you count the spelling mistakes?”

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