Music Think Tank

What’s The Most Important Promotional Tool: Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube?

Facebook-YouTube-Twitter On Music Think Tank, Ariel Hyatt continues her Music Marketing Experts FAQ series. This week, the experts give their opinions on the most important promotional tool. Which promotional tool is most important to you? Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube?

Mastering one Social is better

than doing all three half-way.”

Ariel Hyatt (Read On)

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1 Comment

  1. Man when I went to do a panel at NYU in the summer, so many people asked the same question, “What’s the best tool to promote with?”. My answer was and always is it’s important to understand your tool know how it makes sense for whatever you’re doing and master it. Like with many things people fail realize the importance of study and implementation. Having an objective and executing a plan. That takes an effort.

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