Music Think Tank

Artistic Efficiency: How to Create More and Get Out of Your Own Way

Increase-efficiency-graphWithin 8 years, songwriter Michael Shoup went from trying to fund his music career by working freelance in website design to self-funding his record and starting a music marketing company. On Music Think Tank, he shares 5 simple rules to follow to accomplish your goals and do more of what you love.

“About every six months, I use this system to revitalize and redefine my goals and work-flow as an artist, as a business, and as a human being.”

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  1. Michael,
    First, let me say what an excellent article! I’m going to read and re-read your points.
    With so many opportunities in the world today to get bogged down by news, the latest social media tools, or whatever else is the latest thing on the internet, it is definitely easy for our time to get sucked up by other things.
    I totally agree that periodically we need to reset our lives, minimize non value add activities and focus on what fills us with energy.
    Thanks again!

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