Indie Music

YouTube Rejects Matador Records Ad Of 2 Men Embracing As “Non Family Safe” [VIDEO]

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A 16 second promotional clip for the latest release by Matador Records act Perfume Genius, that includes two men in a PG-13 embrace, has been rejected by Google and YouTube. Both men are clothed from the waste down as Perfume Genius' Mike Hadreas embraces porn star Arpad Miklos. But Google rejected based on their policy on "Adult Image/Video Content":

Any ads that contain non family safe material are disapproved.  I noted to the team that the people in the video are not entirely unclothed, but the overall feeling of the video is one of a more adult nature, including promoting mature sexual themes and what appears to be nude content. As such, the video is non family safe.  In order to have this video ad approved, you will need to bring it into compliance with our policy.

Matador did not receive a response from YouTube when they inquired if parts of the video could be edited to meet the standards, according to Pitchfork. Watch the 16 second rejected promo followed by the related full video for Perfume Genius song "Hood" below.

Perfume Genius ad from nils bernstein on Vimeo.


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  1. Some much for Internet freedom. Hey, where are all the comments condemning Google for censorship?

  2. As with most things, this can almost certainly be tied back to money. YouTube’s long-term strategy hinges on getting brand advertisers to spend more money with them. Guess what brand advertisers are scared of? “Adult” and “controversial” content.
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