Music Think Tank

The Science Of Email Timing

Email_Marketing__4d8cd71d949f1Many artists utilize email to market themselves and engage with fans. Email marketing is a great tool, but do you know when the best time is to send your emails? On Music Think Tank, Bobby Owsinski has tips and tricks on getting your timing right. Have you found an optimal time to send emails to your fans?

“Consumers are unlikely to open emails during their lunch break, choosing instead to spend their time on news and magazine alerts.”

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  1. Maybe one should look at another marketing opportunity and that is the emails we all send from our cor-porate email addresses every day. I represent a company that has developed a solution for just those emails and thus this post.
    The basic idea behind WRAPmail is to utilize the facts that almost everyone have websites (corporate and/or social network site) and also send emails every day. These emails can become complete market-ing tools and help promote, brand, sell and cross-sell in addition to drive traffic to the website and conduct research. WRAPmail is available for free at
    WRAPmail also helps search for missing children with every email sent by incorporating an optional RSS feed from the Center for Missing and Exploited Children

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