Apps, Mobile & SMS

99% Of U.S. Doesn’t Play Music, But 210 Apps Want To Help Them Try

One_percentersGuest post by Eliot Van Buskirk of

According to an amusing infographic in the New York Times, excerpted to the left, “roughly one percent” of the adult population plays a musical instrument once per week. That means something like 311 out of 312 U.S. adults don’t understand the simple-to-sublime-and-everything-in-between pleasure of making music with their hands, feet, lungs, etc.

(click on image to enlarge)

The New York Times does not cite a source for that figure, but we doubt it counts apps as musical instruments.

Nonetheless, if you’d like to try your hand, quite literally, at playing music, you needn’t buy or rent an instrument, although the latter can be done on the cheap, for those who are not ready to commit to hardware ownership.

Instead, try some of the 210 musical instruments in our app directory, which run hardware you might already own.

(Image courtesy of the New York Times)

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