Indie Music

At Least One Established Indie Label Pays Artists A Fair Share Of Spotify, Streaming Income

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There has been a heated ongoing debate over the size of royalty payments from Spotify and other streaming music services.  Are the checks too small? Or are we just in the early stages and payments will become more significant with time?  One area where there is much less disagreement, except perhaps within the labels themselves, is over the pittance that labels are passing on to artists.

A multitude of reports point to most labels only passing along a small proportions of the income they receive from Spotify and other music streamers. Even after tens of thousands of plays many artists are netting less than a cup of Starbucks coffee.

50/50 Split

But  Beggars Group  – XL, Matador, Rough Trade, 4AD – pays its artists as if streaming is licenced music.  "When we looked at the streaming models we felt that splitting this revenue 50/50 as licensed income was the right thing to do – we couldn't justify it as a 'sale'," Beggars Group director of strategy Simon Wheeler told Music Week. If other labels follwoed their lead, artists would receive "two or three times" their current income from streaming, according to Wheeler.

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  1. I don;t think I’ve ever spoken out on what labels pay. I’ve hosted the debate on what Spotify pays labels/artists and on that I personally suggest a wait and see attitude.

  2. many indie labels already pay 50% because they split everything, including sales, that way. it’s interesting simon’s acknowledging it’s not a sale though as it definitely isn’t.

  3. “At least one established …” would means that almost no other does the same. You cant argue against that.
    And is a high percentage pr definition good? What about the work the label does for the artist? Would you rather have 50% on a small label that dont have money to do much work for the artist with a revenue of 5000$ or 15% with a label that does a lot of work with a total revenue of 400.000$?
    Too often people ignore simple math here (not pointed at you Bruce)

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  5. Your logic is flawed, Musik123. Spend more time on reading a dictionary and less time being critical of people’s reporting. I will have to say that there are articles on Hypebot that are flawed in their logic as well (their previous post of “the internet failing artists,” now that is outrageous and absurd) or are mainly common sense. But there are also articles where they are simply reporting news. “At least one label” simply means that. At least. If I have at least one outlet to promote my music that doesn’t mean there aren’t other promotions. There aren’t just any that I know of or I’m simply saying that there is at least one, not that there aren’t additional outlets. You read the article how you wanted to.
    Also for your simple math… You show me where major labels spend their money wisely. Indie labels might have less capital to invest in artists, but I would probably argue that indie labels spend their money more efficiently. Why should artist hurt for the lack of the labels ability to efficiently spend their money.

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