Music Think Tank

Fan Friction: How The Internet is Failing Artists [Adam Bernard]

CarsonkidThe Internet has allowed people to discover new artists and music, but it’s still hard to convert these people into fans. On Music Think Tank, Adam Bernard talks about how the Internet is failing artists because many people can “like” your Facebook page, but are not truly fans. Do you agree with this assessment of the Internet and fans?

“The internet has a million ways to communicate, and a million ways to sell things, but it’s failing when it comes to creating fans. The reason for this is that there are very few fan experiences on the internet.” (Read On)

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  1. The Internet has failed artist, really?!?! That has so be one of the most selfish comments I have heard in a long time. The Internet has done nothing, but supply a great service and platform for artists of all levels to distribute and promote their product. If anything, the artists have failed to learn how to capitalize on the use of the internet. And there is only one person to blame for that… the artists.

  2. There is some truth to what he’s saying. It’s like signing up for a mailing list then you never see the emails from the artist because they get buried in your mailbox under 1000 other emails.

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