
ASCAP Elects New Board

image from www.megatraxblog.com(UPDATED) ASCAP announced the results of its biennial election for the Board of Directors. Twelve writer and twelve publisher members have been elected to serve on the Board for a two-year term starting April 1st. Newly elected writer member in the at-large field is composer Alf Clausen.

In addition to Paul Williams, the writer members who were re-elected in the at-large field are:
songwriter Marilyn Bergman; composer Richard Bellis; composer Bruce
; composer George Duke; composer Dan Foliart;
songwriter Wayland Holyfield;  songwriter Valerie Simpson;
songwriter Jimmy Webb; and composer Doug Wood. Re-elected in the
Symphonic and Concert field is composer Stephen Paulus.

publisher directors re-elected in the at-large field are: Martin Bandier,
Sony/ATV; Caroline Bienstock, Bienstock Publishing; Barry Coburn,
Ten Ten Music; John L. Eastman, Edwin H. Morris & Co.; Zach
, Universal Music; Laurent Hubert, BMG Gold Songs; Dean
, Lichelle Music;
Leeds Levy, Leeds Music; Matt Pincus, Songs Music Publishing; Irwin
Z. Robinson
, Cromwell Music; and Cameron Strang, Warner Brothers
Music. Re-elected in the Symphonic and Concert field is publisher James
, Schott Music Corporation/European American Music Corporation.

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