
Production and Marketing Essentials for Aspiring Music Producers

SSL_Duality_48_24_Mixing_Desk_by_slowdog294-1024x768With the challenges of ever-evolving technology in today's music business come great opportunities for aspirining producers – if you're willing to put in the work. It is critical to make informed equipment choices, smart networking decisions, and be willing to devote a lot of time to personal development if you're serious about being successful.

Do you have specific advice you'd offer to somone following in your footsteps? Anything you would have done differently or wish someone would have told you before you dove head first into this competitive industry? Join the conversation. Compare your experiences, get some essentials from Mackenzie Carlin and offer your own on MusicThinkTank.com

"As with the rest of the entertainment industry, music production is, by nature, a cutthroat endeavor. Only the most passionate, most talented, most clever and most willing to sacrifice are able to make it big. But if you do make a name for yourself, the payoff could be incredible, both in terms of finances and personal satisfaction."

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