Music Business

Why Musicians Need Partners, Not Sponsors

Contract-sign-clipartThere is no question – the music industry as an entity is anything but a one man show. The road to success means putting in the hours, making meaningful connections, and exploring opportunities to reach broader audiences. This is accomplished by working with one another.

Sponsors are often sought after as a means to an end during an artistic endeavor that may lack the funding or the backing that you alone would have access to. By being short-sighted are we robbing ourselves of the potential to create an ongoing partnership where both parties can gain new experiences, broaden their horizons, and pave new pathways? …probably so. Join Simon Tam as he discussed several reasons to aim for partnerships over sponsorships on

"A partnership denotes an agreement where both parties share the risks, responsibilities, and rewards. By approaching the relationship as a partnership, it also implies a long term agreement."

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