
Neil Young’s $800,000 Pono Kickstarter Is Live [VIDEO]

ponoNeil Young's campaign to fund high quality music player and download store Pono is live on Kickstarter complete with video endorsements from a plethora of music stars ranging from Flea to Sting To Jack White.  Pono will play FLAC files with bit rates up to 9216 kbps. Young's ambitious funding goal is $800,000. With pledge levels ranging from $5 to $5000, a $200 pledge will get an early edition of the Pono player that will retail for $399.  Watch the video:

Pledge here.

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1 Comment

  1. The player sounds cool but it’s not like you can’t get plenty of high definition music now. HDtracks has a ton including many Warner Brothers, Sony and Universal titles. Want Springsteen, James Taylor and Pearl Jam in high rez? They’re already here!

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