Apps, Mobile & SMS

MusiXmatch Adds Lyrics To YouTube Music Videos

Musixmatch-iconMusiXmatch has added lyrics to all sorts of places from Spotify to karaoke mics and now to YouTube music videos. This week the fully licensed lyrics company released an extension for Google's Chrome browser that adds lyrics to any YouTube music video for which they have the lyrics which is a lot of songs. Given the popularity of lyrics videos it should be a welcome addition to those who want to follow or sing along while still seeing a fancy music video.

Though I haven't written before about MusiXmatch I have an ongoing interest in the use of lyrics to create interesting music videos and to add monetization streams. MusiXmatch is now providing lyrics all sorts of places including mobile apps, a Spotify desktop app and tv screens via Apple's AirPlay.

This week they announced the launched of a new Chrome extension for Google's web browser that adds lyrics to YouTube music videos like so:


According to TechCrunch MusiXmatch identifies videos by title which leaves some room for error though they're working on that. Steve O'Hear also has a bit of backstory:

"Apparently the company previously had a partnership with music video distributor VEVO but this fizzled out as VEVO didn’t like having song lyrics displayed, despite the popularity of sing-along captions. After brainstorming during a Friday 'hack' day, MusixMatch decided that building a Chrome extension for YouTube was the best solution, essentially bypassing the need to 'ask for permission.'"

I'm not sure who they were asking exactly, I guess he means VEVO, but now the option is in the hands of viewers who can choose it or not.


Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (@fluxresearch) posts music crowdfunding news @CrowdfundingM. To suggest topics about music tech, DIY music biz or music marketing for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

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