
How To Get More Gigs [Dave Kusek]

158696677Gigging is, without a doubt, a critical income stream for every artist. Securing gigs is extremely competitive, but going in with a plan can give you the jumpstart you need to close the deal. Collaboration, networking, and a proactivity can unlock the door to venues you never saw yourself playing in when used efficienty – it all boils down to being prepared.

Dave Kusek encourages our best efforts by giving us five tips for getting more gigs on MusicThinkTank.com. Join the conversation – let us know how these tips work for you or add your own!

"First impressions are everything, so you need to make sure you’re prepared. It’s a good idea to have a short “elevator pitch” ready in case anyone asks about your music. This should basically be a few sentence sum-up of your sound and what you’re working on. You don’t want to bore them with your whole life story – just give enough information to pique their interest. Give them a phrase that they will remember and hand out a business card."

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