Indie Music

What I Learned From Releasing Monthly Music Videos for a Year

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Sometimes our best form of transportation is a leap of faith. Nike hit the nail on the head when they coined the phrase "Just Do It". Julie Geller took that to heart when she committed to realease a new music video every month for a year. She learned some incredibly valuable lessons along the way and you could too. You don't have to have top of the line equipment or be the best of the best – you have to be willing to start from where you are and take the constructive feedback you get along the way. 

Cultivating unconventional audiences may open doors in ways you couldn't imagine. Parodies, children's music, and cover songs are great stepping stones to larger followings. The key to building and maintaining that following is ake every opportunity to put yourself out there and perpetuate your brand. You'll never build a career on the things you say you're going to do, so you know those projects you were going to tackle one day? Go do them. Start off with these lessons already learned on

"It’s easier to meet people where they are than to convince them to come over to where you are. That’s why I release Jewish holiday videos for Rosh HashanahHanukkah andPassover. People are looking for holiday-related content to enjoy and share so it’s a great time to cultivate new fans. Plus, new people can discover my videos every year when those holidays roll along."

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