Music Business

NeonGrid Debuts Database For Crediting All Your Musical Work Across The Web

Neongrid-logoWhile some musicians primarily appear in their own media works and can therefore offer what they do via their own channels, other musicians appear in a wide range of creations across the web. Some musicians take multiple roles beyond their own work from backup singer to videomaker. While I think musicians should be documenting all such activity on their official sites, NeonGrid is creating a database for web creations that offers the opportunity to get additional credit for all roles in that creation just as IMDb does for film.

Though described in the NY Times as an IMDb for online video, NeonGrid includes songs in their credits database as well.

In fact, credits can be listed for any creative project:

"that can be found on YouTube, Vimeo, iTunes, or IMDb. This includes music videos, commercials, shorts, tv shows, films, songs, webisodes, podcasts, and more. More sites that host your content will be added soon."

Let's take Gussie Miller as an example. He's credited for a variety of roles from artistic to technical:

6 different roles for a self-produced track.

Live Mixer on a live performance video by a band.

Backing Vocalist on another artist's track.

Note that two of these are audio-only tracks and NeonGrid uses iTunes for previews. Oddly enough I'm not finding a link to iTunes for the song which would be preferable for completing the crediting and marketing loop. In addition, NeonGrid could start monetizing, in a minor way perhaps, through an iTunes affiliate account.

Co-founder John W. Gibbons is said to have "spent roughly a decade helping to build IMDb."

Though founded in 2012, Gibbons and company debuted NeonGrid last week at the VidCon convention.

Got work? Get credited.

Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (@fluxresearch) also blogs at DanceLand. Send news about music tech startups and services, DIY music biz and music marketing to: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

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