
How To NOT Get Ripped Off When Buying Rap Features

Download (1)In music, creative juices can get stifled the moment we mention the legal matters that come associated with it. As much of a drag it can be, the law can be of much benefit to your next project. In the world of hip-hop, many artists like to feature other artists on their songs to enhance the overall sound. But in the age of DIY artists doing everything on their own, many legal issues arise when proper steps aren't taken to protect all parties involved. In this article, TJ Bear shares tips and tactics to make sure that buying your next rap feature doesn't turn into a legal nightmare. 

In the music industry, you must be thick-skinned. Success favors those that are bold enough to ask for exactly what they want and have the savvy to get an outcome that is beneficial to everyone. For the many artists that are doing everything independently, a challenge could be finding legal representation. However, the world of Google can be a great resource to getting the information that you need to either hire an attorney or figure out small legal issues yourself. In the end, everyone wants to produce a great song. Make sure that all of the little details of buying features are taken care of so you can get back to the music. Check out TJ Bear's take on buying rap features on MusicThinkTank.com

"Bad news is, if you’ve had one of these negative experiences it’s probably your fault. Because it’s very rare for them to happen if you take some simple preventative steps to protect yourself. Whether you have previously been ripped off or not, if you follow the steps below you will greatly reduce your risk of getting hustled in the future."

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