Music Business

Hypebot’s Upward Spiral Gets A New Name: Music Business Podcast

Music Business Podcast Logo [Grey Cloud]Co-hosts Kyle Bylin and Cortney Harding are rebanding their Hypebot sponsored Upward Spiral podcast to the much more descriptive and SEO friendly Music Business Podcast.   If you're not a regular listener, you're missing out.  Sign up and check out the latest episode:


SK_badgeIn this latest episode, they talk to Gideon Bullock, who is a design director at Songkick, a popular live concerts app. We ask Bullock how Songkick learns about concertgoers and what UX research methods they use.

The Music Business Spiral Podcast

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Kyle Bylin is a user researcher at SoundHound and author of Promised Land: Youth Culture, Disruptive Startups, and the Social Music Revolution.

an editorial writer in the opinion section of the LA Times

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