
Five Tips to Increase Your Email Engagement Rate

EmailengagementblogThe success of an email campaign is largely determined by the open rate and click-through rate, or in other words, the audience’s engagement with your newsletter.  It’s important to track these metrics and find ways to continuously increase engagement.


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We know that newsletters are naturally a highly engaging medium, but there are some strategies you can employ to further that engagement rate as well.  Try thinking about some of these newsletter elements the next time you build a campaign:

Subject Line

Before you even get to the content of the newsletter, you first need to get the recipient to open the newsletter! 

Tip: Use the Subject Optimizer in FanBridge to A/B test your subject lines.  This way, you can figure out what your audience responds to best.


Make sure the content in your newsletter is curated with purpose.  Too many or too few pieces of content can hurt your engagement rate and cause the subscriber to lose interest.

Tip: Set a goal for an action you want subscribers to take from this newsletter.  Perhaps you want them to purchase your album or pledge to your crowdfunding campaign.   Highlight that action in your campaign.  Add just a few other secondary actions for your subscribers to take, like linking to your most recent blog post or YouTube video, to further increase your engagement rate.

Design Elements 

Of course, the design is a key factor in an engaging newsletter.  In order to get more click throughs on your links, consider some other design options instead of just hyperlinking your text.  Especially with more and more people checking their email on mobile devices, it’s a good idea to account for a bigger clickable target than some small paragraph text. 

Tip:  Add an image or a call to action button to make the link stand out among the text.  It will be sure to draw more eyes. 

Check out these examples:

CTA1                image1

Visual Cues

If you’re a content creator, even an audio piece can be made visually appealing and invite more clicks from your audience. 

Tip: Use the [FanBridge Template Tool’s] SoundCloud and YouTube integrations to add content to your newsletter in a way that will be sure to get more clicks.  The play button element alone in these integrations is a visual cue to the reader which implies that they should take an action.

Check out the examples below: 

Nate Ruess YouTube     SC1


A well-targeted campaign can drastically impact your engagement rate. Think about whether all of your subscribers will be interested in your message.  If not, how can you narrow it down to only fans that will want this message in their inbox?

Tip: Send to only your most engaged subscribers that have interacted with previous email campaigns by targeting Super Fans and Casual Fans.  If you’re promoting an event, think about only sending that campaign to subscribers that live in the surrounding areas using the FanBridge Intelligent Targeting.

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