
Touring Pastimes: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Time On The Road

ImagesIn the hustle and bustle of touring, you can easily forget to have some fun. After all, what's the fun of playing in a city you don't actually get to see? Here are some tips on getting the most out of touring in today's article on MusicThinkTank.com. 


When you are in a band, touring can be one of the most amazing bonding experiences you will ever have. Spending weeks on end with the same people in the same space every day can be fun, but eventually you will need some type of release. Finding activities outside of gigs can give you another outlet while providing lasting memories with your bandmates. In today's article, Robert Lanterman gives his take on some fun bonding activities you and your band can do to break up the monotony of the road. 

This world has some amazing sights to see. The United States, in particular, have some interesting spots that are worth seeing and will not hurt your "starving artist" income. Find an activity that you all enjoy and make an effort to do it in every town that you stop. Check out the local quirks of small businesses that own funky shops and grab something neat from every tour stop. Find vintage music and rare books in small music stores. Have fun with your band and remember that each stop is a destination to have another amazing experience. Check out more of Robert Lanterman's tips on MusicThinkTank.com. 

"I remember reading an article in Alternative Press a long time ago that quoted Sean P. Rogan (the previous guitarist of Big D & The Kids Table) in which he talked about cool ways to spend time and money on tour. I can’t find any of it on the internet but sometimes I think of it before a tour and think about the adventures I’ve had while on the road, and the ones I’ve skipped out on and regret not partaking in. I’m not alone in the latter. The fact is, I know way too many musicians who spend too much time in their van (driving or not) and who don’t really explore where they’re playing. You don’t always need an off day to find time for that. Here’s some places my bandmates and I like to visit with limited time in different cities."

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