
Bandsintown Launches Local Concert Promo Platform

BandsInTownUntil now, BandsInTown's Promoter has been primarily used by the big players like Live Nation and Universal.  Today the show promotion platform is relaunching as a more affordable service available to anyone who wants to sell more tickets.


BamdsInTown Promoter

BandInTown has opened its Promoter platform to all users.  Starting at $150, users can send targeted custom emails directly to thousands potential concert goers that live in the area and have identified themselves as fans of a particular band or bands.

While perfect for ticket sales, BandsInTown Promoter could also be used to sell merchandise, VIP packages or new releases. You control the messaging and can design any campaign that fits your budget. 

Here is a video intro:

You can register for a free account here.

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1 Comment

  1. Still a bit too pricey for independent artists to utilize. Did they research what the market would allow for, or do they have anyone on staff who understands tour budgeting? Hoping they’ll adjust the price point even further.

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