Music Tech

Would You Like Your Music Startup Featured On THE PITCH?

The pitchDespite rumors of a bubble and investor reluctance to touch anything that might require music licensing, promising new music and music tech startups are popping up daily.  To help find the best, we've created a new ongoing feature on Hypebot called THE PITCH.

THE PITCH will highlight promising new music related startups by publishing their 100 word or less pitch.  Each pitch should describe a new site, product or app and why people will want to use it.
The pitchIf you'd like  your music or music tech startup considered for THE PITCH,  use your 100 words carefully, include a link or two, and attach a logo along with one or two screen shots.
Suggestions: Less is more. Keep it short and to the point. Phrases like "save the music industry" should be avoided. Don't exaggerate. It's highly unlikely that you've built the "best" anything – particularly in this early iteration. For examples you'll find other music startups; 100 words here on The Pitch.  
Send yours to us via email here. We reserve the right to accept or reject any without explanation.

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