Radio & Satellite

Internet Radio Poised For Growth

C-Net concludes that thanks to broadband and a number of other factors internet radio is poised for future growth. Cc_logo_4  "Radio analysts say Clear Channel (who has just begun a nojor online ititaitive for its 1200 stations), along with other broadcast radio stations, is being pushed online and toward new technologies by a fragmentation of its own market and by growing competition Sirius_radio_2 from satellite radio. Mix the power of Internet radio with those new delivery tools, and terrestrial radio begins to look increasingly fragile, unless it’s online too, some observers worry. "

"What changes radio isn’t necessarily the incursions made by Internet radio now; it’s what happens if there is wireless broadband," said Sean Ross, a radio analyst at Edison Group. "There will be a day when every radio station can be on the car via the Internet, instead of via signal. That’s making radio stations that pulled off the Web four years ago come back on."

Read the entire article here.

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