Vinyl, Cassettes & Retail

Yahoo Launching iTunes Competitor and report that "Yahoo is close to debuting its own digital music store and software. The company has been working along with MusicNet for quite a while on the new initiative, which is expected to take aim at Apple’s popular iTunes. Sources tell CNet that the new project was slated to debut this week, but its launch date has been delayed."

"Yahoo has held a major online music presence, with its streaming Launchcast radio service. The company recently re-branded its music division from the Launch name to simply Yahoo Music. The new Yahoo music store could still debut by the end of March. It is expected to be integrated into the many other aspects of Yahoo’s services."

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1 Comment

  1. I imagine Yahoo would put out a solid service. As an iTunes user it is tough to imagine switching over to another service beacuase having 2 sets of protections on your music files would be a huge pain. If the file types were more interchangable I would give another service more of a chance.

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