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Is The Ringtone Market Going Flat?

Phone_6From Ditgital Musc News "Is the ringtone cash cow finally coming to an end? According to a Financial Times article recently making the rounds, the novelty factor is wearing off. "The days of making easy money from ringtones…are over," the article declares, noting that "a hugely profitable business is coming under pressure from a narrowing of the craze to a smaller group of mostly younger people".

"Meanwhile, the annual revenue numbers remain rather robust, topping $4 billion globally and $300 million in the US. That easily eclipses otheremerging formats like paid downloads, and comprises a substantial percentage of overall record industry revenues."

"But despite the nosebleed profits, ringtones can never seem to get any respect. The format has been dogged as a fad from the beginning, even after it crossed one billion-dollar threshold after another."

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