
Yahoo Music Video Creates Fundraiser For Katrina Victims. Calls For Artist & Fan Support.

Here is a letter to the music  industry from Yahoo Music:

Yahoomusiclogos_9We are all extremely saddened by the losses happening in the Gulf Coast of the US. As the largest online provider of music videos, Yahoo! Music will tap into our audience of millions to drive people to donate to relief efforts. The most effective method to use is a personal plea from artists.

What we are asking is that today and tomorrow, please get your artist in front of a camera for 1 minute to read the following message (or something close to it). It can be taped on hi-Def, miniDV, Beta, VHS…we don’t care. The important thing is the message itself. We will then play the message in front of every video from that artist with a link to donations to the American Red Cross.

The message should be similar to the following: "Hello, this is (artist name). Thanks for watching my video on Yahoo! Music. I/We appreciate your support. But the people who need your support more are those affected by the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Please click here right now to donate what you can to the American Red Cross. I/We thank you for doing all you can during this time of terrible tragedy." (During the "please click here" portion, please have the artist point to their right)

When you’ve completed this, please send the completed tape (edited/unedited) to:
Jay Frank
Yahoo! Music
2700 Pennsylvania Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404

If your artist is in the LA area, we will also be having an open taping session at the Yahoo! studios (the address above) from 10 AM until 4 PM on Friday, September 2nd. We will also be having artists who arrive for this session autograph commemorative guitars that we will auction off to raise additional funds for hurricane relief. If you are planning to attend, please email shoots@yahoo-inc.com with an approximate time so we can make sure we can accommodate everyone.

I realize that this is a holiday weekend and it may be difficult to organize this with people going away for vacation. However, this is too important to ignore. The message is brief. The time required is extremely short. The number of people who will see the message is extremely high.

In advance, I thank you all for your efforts to make this happen on such short notice.

With thoughts and prayers,

Jay Frank, Head of Programming & Label Relations
Y! Music / music.yahoo.com
jfrank@yahoo-inc.com / tel: 310-526-4247 / fax: 310-526-4400

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