
Some Companies Ready To Ban Music CD’s At Work As Sony Rookit Fears Spread

Cd_15Those charged with guarding corporate computer security now increasingly view the music CD as a "major threat"  thanks to the Sony rootkit controversy.  Digital Music News reported that at a recent security industry gathering in Washington, DC, "attendees marveled at how technology has evolved something as innocuous as listening to records into a risk for corporate networks."

ComputerWe’re already hearing reports of a few companies planning bans on listening to CD’s at work – certainly not something that is easily monitored.  Business sending the message to employees that "music CD’s aren’t safe any more" will have a chilling effect on the public’s comfort with CD’s and music purchases in general.  Now would seem the perfect time for labels already reeling from declining sales to restore public confidence by renouncing the use of all CD-based Digital Rights Management (DRM), but so far that seems unlikely.

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