
Hypebot’s New Music Industry Briefing For Monday August 21st, 2006

Long_tail_cover_3-The Washington Post’s Marc Fisher takes a careful look at Chris Anderson’s popular new book "The Long Tale" and reminds us that 80% of retail sales come from the Top 1000 titles. (Washington Post)Xm_sirius_2

– A look at the subtle differences between XM and Sirius. (Washington Post)

–  Hearings that could dramatically alter the way labels and publishers share online music revenue begin next month in Canada (Billboard)

– The number of artists who don’t have their music online is shrinking. but some major holdouts still worry that the new format is too singles oriented for them. (AP) (Hypebot: They’re right, but so what?)

Zune_logo_9 – Microsoft’s new ZUNE player is coming pre-loaded with content.  Not just the audio content that we reported earlier but also video from EMI and others. (Reuters, Zune Insider)

– LA Times’ classical music critic looks at how digital downloads are changing how we all consume music now and in the future. (LA Times)

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