
Hypebot’s New Music Industry Briefing For Thursday August 3rd, 2006

Riaa_12– Recently the RIAA has been backing down on suing people who use the "my IP address isn’t necessarily my PC" defense.  So ZDnet has come up with a plan for file sharers to offer a free hotspot service from their broadband connections as the perfect alibi if the RIAA wants to sue. (ZDNet)

Norway is unhappy with the iPod only working with the iTune’s music store and yesterday their top consumer agency rejected Apple’s arguments to the contrary. (AP)

– More on Mashboxx’s deals with three of the four majors and the service to debut this Fall. Mtv_24(NewsFactor)

– MTV turns 25. (NPR audio)

– The Motley Fool calls Digital Music Group stock a looser

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