
Hypebot’s New Music Industry Briefing For Tuesday September 5th, 2006

Myspace_34MySpace is going to enable fans to sell music right from their MySpace pages using a SnoCap widget that we profiled two week ago. The tracks will be sold in the DRM free mp3 format at least for starters, but sellers may be startled by the reported 45 cent per transaction fee. (click Hypebot for a more in depth story)

Bertelsmann_logo_01_8 – Viacom, Warner Music Group Corp and Universal are among those bidding for BMG Music Publishing. (AFX)

– Sandisk to bring $100 2 gig player to the market. (Reuters)

– Artists and fans are being hit with bogus concert scams (Billboard) and a look at concert violence in the UK. (Guardian)

Mtv_25 – cNet reports on both Microsoft and Apple’s DRM getting hacked. (cNet)

MTV”s Video Award’s took a big ratings hit down 28%. (Broadcasting & Cable)  And here is a listing of MTV’s Video Awards winners. Normally we’d say "Who cares?", but a lot of underdogs took home honors. Or is it an honor? You decide…(MTV)

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