
New Spiral Frog Poll

SpiralFrog with it’s ad supported free downloads is the talk of the industry.  Spiralfrog_4

What do you think SpiralFrog’s impact will be? 

Please vote in our online poll in Hypebot’s left column and post your comments.

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  1. Outside of their initial burst of press coverage for trying out a new model, their impact will be zero. I give them a year tops until they are gone, and only that long b/c of the deep-pocketed investors that they somehow managed to snooker into buying in. A massively flawed business model in many ways, but none moreso than the fact that their downloads won’t work on an iPod. Add to that the fact that the songs magically disappear from your computer after 6 months and you can start writing the obituary today.

  2. two extreme scenarios:
    1. Nobody cares, they die boring death in obscurity ala (what’s that MTV/Microsft colaboration?)
    2. or if they are really popular, somebody will publish a hack that stripped the DRM within few weeks after their publication.
    most likely it’s something in between. very mild public interest and then somebody published a crack app.
    and then the whole thing just go away quietly.

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