Vinyl, Cassettes & Retail

16 Bid To Revive Or Dismantle Tower

16 bidders will participate in this Thursday’s Tower bankruptcy auction including Trans World who already operate the Musicland and Sam Goody chains. Another bidder is Chicago’s Radius Equity Tower_10 Partners who has vowed to revive Tower’s troubled retail music stores.

Interestingly Tower founder Russ Solomon who had signaled he might make a bid chose not to make an offer prior to the deadline.  Other bidders are only interested in parts of the chain (like the web site) and would move to liquidate others.

Sources: Sacramento Bee, LA Business

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1 Comment

  1. Why would anybody be interested in the website? It’s terrible. Maybe they want the Tower name. Other than the logo on the site, it’s just a slightly customized PureTracks storefront. (PureTracks handles the billing and customer service.)

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