
Hypebot’s New Music Business Briefing For Tuesday December 19th, 2006

>>> Don’t miss the story we broke exclusively yesterday on Amazon opening up an mp3 only download store with variable pricing. (here)

>>> Atlantic Records has created a beautiful online tribute to founder Ahmet Ertegun who passed away last week. (Atlantic)

>>> A blogger writes about how he harnesses his love for music to keep him self motivated at work. (LivingWithMusic)

The rapid consolidation of commercial radio that followed
the Telecommunications Act of 1996 led to a loss of localism, less
competition, and less diversity according to "False Premises, False
Promises:A Quantitative History of Ownership Consolidation in the Radio
a report released by the Future of Music Coalition (FMC).

Nielsen SoundScan reports that through the first 49 weeks of 2006,
sales of individually downloaded digital tracks are up more than 67%
over 2005
, accounting for more than 525 million
digital downloads; already 173 million more than 2005’s annual total. (Mi2N)

>>> R.I.P. Denis Payton of The Dave Clark Five. He was 63.(more)

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  1. Digital musikförsäljning upp 67 % 2006

    Nielsen SoundScan, som mäter musikförsäljning i USA, har mätt en 67 % ökning av det totala antalet sålda låtar på musikbutikerna…

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