
Tuesday Music Industry Miscellany


>>> Booking agency William Morris has added a full service international music division based in London under the direction of former Dire Straits manager Ed Bicknell (press release)

>>> Digital distributor IODA has opened a European division IODA UK and purchased European distributor Uploader. (press release)

>>> Italy’s top criminal court ruled that downloading music isn’t a crime if profit wasn’t the
motivation (AP)

>>> More details on Ruckus’ launch of an as supported music subscription service open free to all students. (press release)

>>> Since last week’s shake-up at EMI Chairman Nicoli has been on a world wind tour of his comrades around the globe. (NY Post)

>>> French and German consumer groups are joining the Scandinavian charge to get Apple to open up iTune’s DRM. (MacNews)


>>> A look at the predictable jabs being thrown at MIDEM over DRM and downloading. (TechDirt)

>>>Record labels are finally saying no to big budget promotions and excessive star demands. (DailyClearchannel_9 Express via Coolfer)

>>> Clear Channel adds HD stations in 15 more cities bringing total to 81 markets and 320 stations. (press release)

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